KATASHI KATSU Kennel - Tosa inu - Czech republic

TOSA INU - Katashi Katsu - kennel, Chinzei, Asuka

Trip to the seaside

After the dogshow and walk around the center of Paris, we have decided to go for a trip to the seaside.

The weather in Paris was not really good that day, but at the seaside (some 200km west from the Paris) was summer weather. It was sunny with light wind and mainly beatyfull and clear sea. At first we went to the beach so Asuka and Chinzei can enjoy the salty water and try some waves. But on our next stop further on the seaside was a really nice place, glamorous village Etretat. You could see that even Asuka and Chinzei really enjoy themselfs and that they like it there also. They attracted loads of attention and obviously enjoyed it so much ;o)

Here are some photos......

France - Asuka by the seaside France - Asuka by the seaside France - Asuka by the seaside France - by the seaside
France - by the seaside France - by the seaside
France - Chinzei by the seaside France - Chinzei by the seaside France - Chinzei by the seaside France - Chinzei by the seaside
Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside
Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside
Francie - Asuka a Chinzei by the seaside

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