KATASHI KATSU Kennel - Tosa inu - Czech republic

TOSA INU - Katashi Katsu - kennel, Chinzei, Asuka

puppies / litter A

five month

Aki Katashi Katsu - boy - green

Thanks for the pictures of the new owners

Akio Katashi Katsu - boy - blue

we have no photo available :/

Akito Katashi Katsu - boy - brown

Akihiro Katashi Katsu - boy - orange

Arashi Katashi Katsu - boy - light blue

we have no photo available :/

Akinori Katashi Katsu - boy - grey

Aiko Katashi Katsu - girl - yellow

we have no photo available :/

Akemi Katashi Katsu - girl - red

Akiko Katashi Katsu - girl - white

Asami Katashi Katsu - girl - pink

all of us together

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